IEEE Medal for Environmental and Safety Technologies for Jérôme Faist
Institute for Quantum Electronics (IQE)

The 2018 IEEE Medal for Environmental and Safety Technologies will be awarded to Prof. Jérôme Faist (ETH Zurich) and Frank Tittel (Rice University, US), "for pioneering contributions to the quantum cascade laser and optical chemical sensors for environmental sensing".
Renato Renner receives ALEA Award
Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP)

Around 1,200 ETH members responded to the Executive Board’s invitation to this year’s Christmas reception. After looking back at some of the year’s highlights and getting a preview of the ETH plus initiative, the newly launched ALEA Award was presented, with physics professor Renato Renner becoming its first receipient.
Playful access to light

From 17 to 28 January 2018, the third annual light festival (Licht-Festival) will take place in Murten. A city in snow and ablaze with lights. Family outing, magical plays of light and artistic installations. Who would think first about physics here? Yet, the entire festival would simply be impossible without physics. Light and physics are inextricably linked — and the Department of Physics makes its contribution to this festival.
Lesya Shchutska appointed Assistant Professor
Particle Physics (IPA)

In response to the proposals received from the President of ETH Zurich, Professor Lino Guzzella, the ETH Board resolved to appoint 10 professors, among them Lesya Shchutska of the Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics, who was appointed Assistant Professor of Experimental Particle Physics.
Recognition for outstanding teaching assistants

The Mathematicians and Physicists Association (VMP) has awarded the 2017 VMP Assistant Award to six student teaching assistants from the Departments of Mathematics and Physics.