Good news for gamma-ray astronomy
- Research
- Astronomy
- Astrophysics (IPA)
The latest development on the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory brings a step closer the prospect of new insights into some of the most energetic phenomena in the Universe.
Breaking new ground: Doubling down on neutral-atom quantum computing
- Research
- Physics
- Institute for Quantum Electronics (IQE)
- People
- Quantum sciences
Wenchao Xu works on arrays of optically trapped neutral atoms that combine two atomic species in a way that offers a new platform for advancing quantum science and technology.
Nurturing quantum connections
- Events
- Physics
- Quantum sciences
- 100 Years of Quantum Mechanics
As the speaker at this year's Paul Bernays Lectures, Michel Devoret discussed quantum information processing with superconducting circuits – and took the time to find out about the variety of research activities in the physics department, too.
Golden Owl to Tobias Donner
- Teaching & Learning
- The latest honours and prizes
- Institute for Quantum Electronics (IQE)
- People
- Teaching awards
Tobias Donner received the Golden Owl award for his teaching activities in the Department of Physics. The ETH Zurich Student Association (VSETH) honours lecturers whose excellent teaching stands out with this yearly award.
Measuring cosmic distances to understand the expanding universe
- Physics
- Astronomy
- Astrophysics (IPA)
The group of Professor Alexandre Refregier uses the data collected by ambitious surveys to work out the nature of dark matter, dark energy and our expanding universe.