17 new apprentices at the Department of Physics
In mid-August, 65 apprentices and trainees started their education at ETH Zurich. 17 youngsters will be trained as electronics technicians, IT technicians, designers, physics lab technicians or polymechanics at the Department of Physics.
A service for apprentices from several companies
From 8 - 18 August 2016 the inter-company course "Measurement technology" took place at the Departement of Physics. 17 physics-lab-technician apprentices from all over German-speaking Switzerland participated. On a visitor day, interested vocational instructors and vocational-school teachers could get an impression of this course.
Barbara and Diethelm Würtz ✝
Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP)
It is with great sadness that we report the deaths of Diethelm and Barbara Würtz, who were killed in a car accident on 28 July 2016. Both Diethelm and Barbara worked at the ETH Zurich: Prof. Dr. Diethelm Würtz as a researcher and teacher in the Institute for Theoretical Physics, and Dipl.-Psych. Barbara Schröder-Würtz as an advisor in the Human Resources Division.