From the Department Management – May 18
In the second issue with news from the department management, we highlight current contributions to “ETH+” and the new construction project HPQ. On 17/18 May, a specialist colloquium will be held at the Department of Physics. The Real Estate Management department is reorganized. Everyone is cordially invited to the Department Day on 6 June. And who knows, maybe the European Inventor Award will go to Switzerland this year.
“ETH+” applications from the Department of Physics
With the “ETH+” initiative, a substantial number of new professorships are to be created in order to open up new areas for future research and teaching at ETH Zurich. Funding for the start-up phase, so the plan of ETH Executive Board, will come from funds that have been saved across ETH thanks to sustainable financial planning. All departments were invited to submit applications within the “ETH+” framework in their subject and research areas until 5 May 2018.
Quantum Engineering Initiative
Members of D-PHYS are involved in a total of five applications for “ETH+”, ranging from fundamental cosmology and particle physics to studies of fast reaction mechanisms using ultrafast laser pulses. The subject of one of the applications is the “Quantum Engineering Initiative" mentioned in the current D-PHYS strategy. Since 2011, researchers at NCCR “QSIT - Quantum Science and Technology” have been working on the hardware for quantum computers. In recent months, IBM with their IBM-Q initiative and Google with its “Bristlecone” quantum processor are inviting scientists worldwide to develop applications for quantum computing. Currently there are barely any specialists who can write software for quantum computers. Developing expertise in this area is one of the components of the “ETH+” application.
Who writes programs for quantum computers?
A further goal of this initiative, which has been prepared by several departments for “ETH+”, is to establish a Master programme in quantum engineering and to start trainning quantum engineers. This would give ETH Zurich a pioneering role in this area. The initiators of the initiative plan professorships in D-MATH, D-ITET, D-PHYS, D-MATL and D-INFK to establish ETH at the forefront of the global race for leadership in quantum computing. If the school administration approves the application, such a master programme could be offered in early 2019, making ETH one of only a few universities worldwide with such a programme in its curriculum.
Inspiring research architecture for the future
The HPQ building is being constructed next to the HIT building at the Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse on the Hönggerberg campus of ETH, in a central location. Zurich's Ilg Santer architects came first in the 2016 competition and are planning a research building for ETH Zurich that is convincing in terms of architecture and urban planning. At the same time it meets all the high technical and functional requirements of such a research building. It will provide 400-500 researchers and students with a platform for future-oriented and cross-disciplinary cutting-edge research across a broad range of areas of physics and nanotechnology. About one third of the floor space is planned to be above ground and two thirds underground. In addition to experimental physics as the primary user, the building will house interdepartmental platforms for nanotechnology, material growth, and high-sensitivity laboratories.
The HPQ project – current status
The Executive Board of ETH has recently taken note of the updated case for the necessity for the project submitted it to the ETH Board. This means that the preliminary project can be started in the summer – the first step in a two-year project-planning phase. For the D-PHYS project team, which represents the future users during the planning phase, this means a period of intensive work. Provided all permits are issued on time, a start of construction can be expected for 2022. Further information can be found in the brochure, which was completed in February 2018.
News in brief
17-18 May 2018 Specialist colloquium at D-PHYS – Quantum Electronics and Solid State Physics
The Department of Physics invites six young researchers to the symposium “New Frontiers in Quantum Electronics and Solid State Physics”. All D-PHYS members are invited to attend. The specialist colloquium will take place on the Hönggerberg campus, in the auditorium HIT E51, Thursday from 14:00-18:15 h and Friday from 8:00-10:00 h. More in the detailled programme.
The Real Estate Management department is getting reorganised
Significantly leaner with more process-oriented procedures, the Real Estate Management department should be able to handle in the future the many open construction projects of ETH Zurich more efficiently. They are responsible for the real-estate portfolio of ETH Zurich, worth some CHF 3.5 billion. Now the asset management is divided into three site-specific sections. As such, for example, the entire package including construction projects, renovations and maintenance measures (including room booking, allocation and lease agreements) on Hönggerberg is with Andrei Koshelev. The portfolio management for D-PHYS remains with Karoline Leuenberger.
Dialogue with the Executive Board
The annual dialogue between the department heads and the Executive Board on 25 April 2018 was a constructive and collegial exchange. The head will shortly report on the topics discussed in the committees of D-PHYS.
Cordial invitation to the Department Day
All members of D-PHYS are cordially invited to the Department Day on 6 June 2018. The invitation was sent out on 26 April. Rainer Wallny will inform about news from the department at 9:00 am in the auditorium HCI G3. This year, Renato Renner will speak about the second quantum revolution and Karan Kartik Mehta, postdoc in the research group of Jonathan Home, will report on the latest in quantum computing. This is followed by the traditional barbecue outside the HPZ building.
Ursula Keller is a finalist for the European Inventor Award 2018
The European Inventor Award is awarded annually by the European Patent Office (EPO). Ursula Keller was nominated in the category “Lifetime achievement”. On 7 June, the award ceremony including the Audience Award will take place in Paris. Congratulations on the nomination and good luck at the award ceremony!

So far, the media coverage was great. 20 Minuten, Blick am Abend, Le Temps, Tribune de Genève and Swiss Newswire have reported already. Further interviews are planned.
Further appointments, promotions, grants and news are listed in detail in the Departmental Conference minutes of 2 March 2018.