Free ride for electrons improves soft X-rays generation
- Research
- Physics
- Institute for Quantum Electronics (IQE)
![Foto des Experiments [1], bei dem Kryptonatome (Mitte) mit einem Hochleistungslaser (links) und weicher Röntgenstrahlung beleuchtet werden.](/news-and-events/d-phys-news/2022/12/free-ride-for-electrons/_jcr_content/pageimages/imageSmall.imageformat.contentteaser.1252221582.jpg)
Traffic obstructions are not only a nuisance for our everyday mobility; they can also have negative consequences for the smallest particles such as electrons. If physicists want to study very fast dynamics in matter using soft X-rays, a clear path for electrons is required.
SERI-financed ERC grant for Tobias Donner
- Laboratory for Solid State Physics (LFKP)
- Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP)
- Institute for Quantum Electronics (IQE)
- Astrophysics (IPA)

Tobias Donner, Senior Scientist and lecturer in the Quantum Optics Group at the Institute for Quantum Electronics, has received a SERI-financed ERC Consolidator Grant. He plans to use the funding to explore the fundamental principles behind the interaction between quantum many-body systems and light.
A dual boost for optical delay scanning
Institute for Quantum Electronics (IQE)

Various applications of pulsed laser sources rely on the ability to produce a series of pulse pairs with a stepwise increasing delay between them. Implementing such optical delay scanning with high precision is demanding, in particular for long delays. Addressing this challenge, ETH physicists have developed a versatile ‘dual-comb’ laser that combines a wide scanning range with high power, low noise, stable operation, and ease of use — thereby offering bright prospects for practical uses.
A quantum pump without the crank
- Institute for Quantum Electronics (IQE)
- Quantum sciences

ETH physicists demonstrate how atoms can be pumped through a synthetic crystal without having to apply external periodic driving. These experiments combine several key aspects of quantum many-body physics in unexpected ways, thus paving a novel path to understanding and creating exotic states of quantum matter.
Switzerland wins the World Physics Championship
- Astrophysics (IPA)
- Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP)
- Institute for Quantum Electronics (IQE)
- Physics
- Particle Physics (IPA)
- Physik BSc

In 2022, the Swiss team won the World Physics Championship, the International Young Physicists' Tournament (IYPT). Singapore and Poland came second and third.