EU funds new postdoctoral programme
The new fellowship programme for postdoctoral researchers is a collaboration between two interdisciplinary research networks: the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research “Molecular Ultrafast Science and Technology” (NCCR MUST) and the Bochum–Dortmund Cluster of Excellence “Ruhr Explores Solvation” (RESOLV). The transnational collaboration comprises 50 research groups from the fields of chemistry, physics, materials science, engineering and biology.
The new programme for postdoctoral researchers
The programme, which starts in April 2019 and runs until September 2023, is called “Resolving Solvation with Molecular Ultrafast Science and Technology”, external page FP-RESOMUS in short. Its aim is to answer interdisciplinary questions at the interface of research on solvents and ultrafast processes using both simulation methods and the latest experimental technologies. The members of the programme benefit from the complementary expertise in the respective networks.
COFUND: Facilitates the scientific career
With the external page Marie-Skłodowska-Curie COFOUND Actions the European Commission supports both existing and new training and career-development programmes for junior and experienced researchers. This helps the researchers to find their way to scientific independence. Regional, as well as national and international fellowship programmes for postdocs or doctoral students are co-funded by this EC programme.
About NCCR MUST in Switzerland
The Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research external page MUST is a multidisciplinary network with more than 150 researchers at seven locations throughout Switzerland. It has been funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation since 2010. In this network, ultrafast processes in nature are investigated using laser technology, spectroscopy and simulation methods. Research questions include how photosynthesis, solar cells, the storage of data, electron transport and chemical reactions work at the molecular level and at very short timescales – and how such processes can be improved. Professor Dr. Ursula Keller, ETH Zurich and Prof. Dr. Thomas Feurer, Universität Bern, external page lead the network.
About RESOLV in Germany
The German Cluster of Excellence external page RESOLV consists of more than 200 scientists at six locations in the Ruhr area. The federal government and the federal states have funded the Cluster of Excellence as part of the Excellence Strategy – formerly the Excellence Initiative – since 2012.
The network investigates how solvents are involved in the control, mediation, and control of chemical reactions. Most chemical reactions, important industrial processes and almost all biological processes take place in the liquid phase, with the solvents having an important role. Professor Dr. Martina Havenith-Newen from the Bochum Department of Physical Chemistry II is the external page director of the cluster.
Support from the European Research Council – also for Switzerland
The Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research MUST at ETH Zurich coordinates this transnational programme. This is possible despite the possible failure of the “institutional framework” agreement between Switzerland and the European Union. Failure to bring the negotiations to a successful end would mean the end of participation as a full partner in the next Horizon programme of the European Commission. As a consequence, Switzerland as a research location would only be involved as a third country (like Great Britain after Brexit). In Switzerland, fellowship programmes and collaborative research networks such as FP-RESOMUS could no longer be organized and coordinated.