Skilled workers for Switzerland's industry

The Department of Physics of ETH Zurich currently trains 40 apprentices in the vocational areas polymechanics, physics laboratory technicians, electronics engineers and design engineers. Graduates of these programmes will work in research and industry as skilled workers, which Switzerland as a place of work and creativity will urgently need to remain competitive in the future.
Congratulations to all graduates

Some 200 guests celebrated 77 successful graduates at the Master's degree graduation ceremony 2018 of the Department of Physics. Three graduates were awarded the ETH Silver Medal for their outstanding Master's theses. Stephan Allenspach received in addition the Willi Studer Prize for this year's best student of the physics Master's degree programme.
"A vision becomes reality"
- Laboratory for Solid State Physics (LFKP)
- Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP)

As part of its focus topic "Venturing into the unknown — How fundamental research creates options for the future", ETH Globereports on the contributions of ETH physicists to the field of quantum computation, and to other areas where fundamental research already had a lasting effect.
Quantum revolutions on Department Day
- Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP)
- Institute for Quantum Electronics (IQE)

Twice a year, the management of the Department of Physics at ETH Zurich organizes events for all members of the department: the Department Day in June and the New Year's aperitif in January. These are great opportunities for the approximately 500 members of the department to come together and hear the latest news from the department management and from the research groups.
Direct coupling of the Higgs boson to the top quark observed
Particle Physics (IPA)

An observation made by the CMS experiment at CERN connects for the first time the two heaviest elementary particles of the Standard Model. Central contributions to this milestone result came from ETH physicists.