Mobile devices as labs for physics eduction

A continuing-education event for grammar-school teachers organized by the Association of Swiss Mathematics and Physics Teachers and ETH Zurich highlighted how mobile devices can be used in astonishing ways for teaching physics. In fact, nowadays all of us are carrying in our pockets a small physics-learning lab.
Golden Owl to Manfred Sigrist
Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP)

Every year, the Association of Students at ETH Zurich (VSETH) awards the "Golden Owl" to particularly committed teachers. We are delighted that this year also physics professor Manfred Sigrist has been awarded for his commitment to teaching.
Ideas for future careers

What inspires physicists? Which professions support their research activities? On the National "Future Day" (Zukunftstag) of 10 November 2016, some 30 children participated in two special programs offered by the Department of Physics. These also showed the wide range of career opportunities in the department.
A gravitational lens observed at very high energies

A collaboration including ETH physicists at the Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov (MAGIC) observatory reports the discovery of the most distant gamma-ray source ever observed at very high energies — thanks to the 'replay' of an enormous flare by a galactic gravitational lens, as predicted according to Einstein’s theory of General Relativity.