Event for prospective students and continuing education for teachers
What to study? Where to work later? These are questions that many high-school graduates mull over. There are many roads that can be taken, and it's not so easy to make the right choice. The study information days at ETH highlighted some of the possibilities.
Those interested in studying physics did on 7 and 8 September not only receive information regarding the curriculum and career prospects, but they also had an opportunity to attend a lecture on the quantum nature of light. And they heard how physicists do microscopy with electrons. The open booth offered during two days a space for interviewing current students, thus to help the prospective students to form their own opinion.
The next event for prospective students will be held in 2017, again in the first week of September.
During this year's event, also an exciting training program for physics teachers took place on 7 September: the 17th Swiss Day of Physics and Teaching (17. Schweizerischer Tag für Physik und Unterricht). Professors from the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Kaiserslautern and ETH Zurich talked on teaching-related topics, including "Experiments with Smartphones, Tablet-PCs & Co.", "Extra-solar planets: the search for life in space", and "The Algorithm as Lens on the Sciences, or Computation as a Scientific Weltanschauung".