Sphere of Thinking – Exchange across disciplines
- Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP)
- Institute for Quantum Electronics (IQE)
Are there common areas of interest between physics and theater? As part of the lecture series "Getting Real" at the Zurich University of the Arts, ZHdK, the two ETH physicist Gregor Jotzu and Philipp Kammerlander have been invited as guest speakers.
Research topics are fascinating. They are taken up in current theatre work. Physics and art — both are to go their own way places that transcend borders, both are places of thought.
How does external page randomness behave? How can theoretical physicists deal with it in calculations? How do external page measurements affect the state of the world? And what does it mean for the 'world of things' that atoms can be in two states at the same time?
After each of their opening presentations, Gregor Jotzu and Philipp Kammerlander took questions from the interested students. A stimulating, informal exchange ensued. The positive feedback from the students suggests that fields that are very abstract to them, theoretical physics and quantum physics, have become a bit more real.