Prof. em. Dr. Jürg Fröhlich

Prof. em. Dr.  Jürg Fröhlich

Prof. em. Dr. Jürg Fröhlich

Professor Emeritus at the Department of Physics

ETH Zürich

Institut für Theoretische Physik

HIT K 42.3

Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 27

8093 Zürich


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Research area

Mathematical Physics

I was born on July 4, 1946, at Schaffhausen, a city in the north of Switzerland.
At the public and high school (“Gymnasium”) of Schaffhausen, I got a classical education, including Latin, modern languages (German, French, English and some Italian), natural sciences and mathematics. In 1965, after having passed the final high school exam (called “Maturität” in German-speaking Switzerland), I was accepted as an undergraduate student at the Department of Mathematics and Physics of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. In the spring of 1969, I wrote my diploma thesis (“Dressing Transformations in Quantum Field Theory”) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. K. Hepp and Prof. Dr. R. Schrader. In the fall of the same year I passed the oral examinations of the ETH-diploma in physics. For my diploma thesis and my examination score I received honours.
From October 1969 until October 1972 I worked at the “Seminar für Theoretische Physik” of the ETH under the supervision of Prof. Dr. K. Hepp. In the fall of 1972 I got my Ph.D. in theoretical physics with honours. Topic of PhD thesis: Infrared problem in a model of a non-relativistic particle coupled to a massless quantum field.
From October 1972 till August 1973 I worked as a research and teaching assistant at the physics department of the University of Geneva.
From September 1973 till August 1974 I was a research fellow in the mathematical physics group of Prof. Dr. Arthur M. Jaffe at Harvard University.
In September 1974, I got appointed as an assistant professor at the mathematics department of Princeton University, where I worked until December 1977.
From January 1978 till July 1982 I held the position of “professeur permanent” at the Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES) at Bures-sur-Yvette, near Paris.
In July 1982, I followed a call from ETH-Zurich, received in spring 1981, and joined the physics faculty of ETH. During almost thirty years, I was struggling with trying to fulfil the diverse obligations and duties of an ETH-professor, with varying success. In 1985, the “Center for Theoretical Studies” (now called “Pauli Center”) at the Institute of Theoretical Physics of ETH,       a framework permitting us to invite visiting scientists and guest lecturers, was created on my initiative.
In the fall of 2011, I retired from my professorship at ETH Zurich. In the spring of 2012, I spent four months at the “Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung” of the University of Bielefeld, where my friend Philippe Blanchard and I animated a program on quantum science (resulting in the publication of volume 899 of ‘Lecture Notes in Physics,’ entitled “The Message of Quantum Science,” Springer-Verlag, 2015). Starting in the fall of 2012, I was a visiting professor at the School of Mathematics of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton for a little more than two academic years. In 2015, I spent four months at IHES, where I organised a program of lectures and seminars on quantum theory. In 2019 I taught a short course on quantum theory at the Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU) in Munich.
I gave invited addresses at A.M.S. meetings and at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Helsinki, 1978. I participated as an invited lecturer at numerous conferences and schools in theoretical physics. In April 1981, I served as a Loeb Lecturer at Harvard University. In June 1992, I presented an invited address to the first European Congress of Mathematicians in Paris. In 1994, I gave a plenary lecture to the International Congress of Mathematicians in Zurich. In the spring of 1998, I was an “Andrejewski lecturer” in Berlin and, in 2001, I gave a series of “Andrejewski lectures” in Leipzig.
I have visited numerous academic institutions in Europe, North America, India and Japan.
In 1984, I was awarded the “National Latsis Prize” of the Swiss National Foundation. More recently, my friend Thomas C. Spencer of the Institute for Advanced Study and I jointly received the 1991 Dannie Heineman Prize in Mathematical Physics, a prize awarded by the American Physical Society and the American Institute of Physics. I was also awarded the Marcel-Benoist Prize in 1997, and, in 2001, the Max-Planck Medal of the German Physical Society. In 2009, I received the Henri Poincaré Prize of the International Association of Mathematical Physics sponsored by the Daniel Iagolnitzer Foundation. I am a member of the “Academia Europaea”and, more recently, I have been elected an associate member of the “Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften” and of the “Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur” in Mainz. I am a “Fellow of the American Mathematical Society”. In 2020, I was elected an “International Member of the National Academy of Sciences” (USA). I have an honorary degree of the University of Zurich. In 2001, I have been offered a “Louis-Michel visiting professorship” at IHES, which expired several years later.
Since August 1972, I have been married with Eva Fröhlich-Schubert (born in Prague in 1947). We have two daughters, Judith (born August 13, 1973) and Sonja (born July 3, 1975) and six grandchildren.



Year Distinction
2009 Henri Poincaré Prize
2001 Max-Planck Medal
1997 Marcel Benoist Prize
1990 Dannie Heineman Prize (APS/AIP, USA)
1984 National Latsis Prize

Additional information

retired since the summer of 2011

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