Prof. em. Dr. Albert Furrer

Prof. em. Dr.  Albert Furrer

Prof. em. Dr. Albert Furrer

Retired Adjunct Professor at the Department of Physics


5232 Villigen PSI


Additional information

Albert Furrer was head of the Laboratory for Neutron Scattering. In 1989 he was given the title of Professor by the ETH Zurich.He retired in 2005.

Albert Furrer, born on November 17, 1939 and a Swiss citizen, studied mathematics and physics at the ETH Zurich. He completed his Ph.D dissertation under Professor Haelg in the Delegation for Education and Research of the ETH Zurich. Afterwards he spent two years as a postdoctoral fellow at the Riso National Laboratory in Denmark and two years as a guest scientist at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the USA. From 1974 to 1983 he was a senior scientist at the Institute for Reactor Technique at the ETH Zurich. In 1984 he became the head of the newly founded Laboratory for Neutron Scattering of the ETH Zurich. His research activities concentrated on neutron scattering applications in the study of the statics and dynamics of condensed matter, particularly in the fields of high-temperature superconductivity and magnetism.

He is author and co-author of more than 300 scientific publications, usually in collaboration with national and international research groups from universities and industrial laboratories. From 1984 to 1992 he was a member of the Research Commission of the ETH Zurich, and from 1991 to 1997 president of the Swiss Society for Neutron Scattering.

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