PD Dr. Alexander Eichler

PD Dr.  Alexander Eichler

PD Dr. Alexander Eichler

Privatdozent/in at the Department of Physics

ETH Zürich

Laboratorium für Festkörperphysik


Otto-Stern-Weg 1

8093 Zürich


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Research area

My research interests are centered around nanomechanical sensing, in particular nuclear spin detection and spin-mechanics coupling, as well as the understanding and realization of parametric phase logic devices.


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Career positions

2022-now: Privatdozent at ETH Zürich, CH

2019-now: Senior Scientist (permanent position), ETH Zürich, CH

2013-2018: Postdoctoral Researcher, ETH Zürich, CH

2010-2013: Postdoctoral Researcher, ICN and ICFO in Barcelona, ES

2006-2009: Doctoral studies, University of Basel, CH



2022: KITE award for innovative teaching at ETH Zürich

2012: Swiss Physical Society ABB Award

2010: Marie-Curie IEF Fellowship

2009: SNSF prospective researcher fellowship


Selected publications

For a full list of my publications, see my Publons and Google Scholar IDs

  1. Strong parametric coupling between two ultra-coherent membrane modes, D. Hälg, T. Gisler, E. C. Langman, S. Misra, O. Zilberberg, A. Schliesser, C. L. Degen, and A. Eichler, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 094301 (2022)
  2. Ising machines with strong bilinear coupling, T. L. Heugel, O. Zilberberg, C. Marty, R. Chitra, and A. Eichler, Phys. Rev. Research 4, 013149 (2022)
  3. Spatial Correlation between Fluctuating and Static Fields over Metal and Dielectric Substrates, M. Héritier, R. Pachlatko, Y. Tao, J. M. Abendroth, C. L. Degen, and A. Eichler, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 216101 (2021)
  4. Membrane-based scanning force microscopy, D. Halg, T. Gisler, Y. Tsaturyan, L. Catalini, U. Grob, M. D. Krass, M. Héritier, H. Mattiat, A. K. Thamm, R. Schirhagl, E. C. Langman, A. Schliesser, C. L. Degen, and A. Eichler, Phys. Rev. Applied 15, L021001 (2021). Editor's Suggestion. Featured in the APS focus story Force Scanning on a Shaky Membrane, the ETH D-PHYS news article New microscopy concept enters into force and the AIP news article MRI with a Trampoline
  5. Rapid Flipping of Parametric Phase States, M. Frimmer, T. L. Heugel, Z. Nosan, F. Tebbenjohanns, D. Hälg, A. Akin, C. L. Degen, L. Novotny, R. Chitra, O. Zilberberg, and A. Eichler, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 254102 (2019)
  6. Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy with a One-Dimensional Resolution of 0.9 Nanometers, U. Grob, M. D. Krass, M. Héritier, R. Pachlatko, J. Rhensius, J. Kosata, B. A. Moores, H. Takahashi, A. Eichler, and C. L. Degen, Nano Lett. 19, 7935 (2019)
  7. Parametric Symmetry Breaking in a Nonlinear Resonator, A. Leuch, L. Papariello, O. Zilberberg, R. Chitra, and A. Eichler, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 214101 (2016)
  8. Strong Coupling Between Mechanical Modes in a Nanotube Resonator, A. Eichler, M. del Alamo Ruiz, J. A. Plaza, and A. Bachtold, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 025503 (2012)
  9. Nonlinear Damping in Mechanical Resonator Made from Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene, A. Eichler, J. Moser, J. Chaste, M. Zdrojek, I. Wilson-Rae, and A. Bachtold, Nature Nanotechnol. 6, 399 (2011)

Course Catalogue

Spring Semester 2025

Number Unit
402-0000-04L Physics Lab 2
402-1900-00L Data Analysis in Physics
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