AMP Helpdesk

Contact us

If you need advice about a situation in your group, or if you have questions about administrative matters (e.g. your Forschungsplan), we are here to help! Please feel free to contact us with your questions. This service is strictly confidential (Disclaimer: E-mails to can be accessed by ETH Zürich), and no other advice from outside will be sought without your consent.

Annika Mechnich

AMP Helpdesk

Annika Mechnich is the official AMP Helpdesk contact.

She will treat your questions confidentially and will help you in finding the optimal solution.

Please contact Annika via

Frederic Ußling

AMP Helpdesk

Frederic Ußling is the official AMP Helpdesk contact.

He will treat your questions confidentially and will help you in finding the optimal solution.

Please contact Frederic via

External links

The following links will take you to useful websites that may answer questions you do not feel belong at the AMP Helpdesk.

  • Ombudsperson: strictly confidential help and mediation provided by an experienced person: here
  • AVETH Helpdesk and counseling: here
  • Psychological counselling at ETH: external page here
  • Respect Office: confidential help on inappropriate behaviour and conflicts from the Vice-Presidency for Personnel Development and Leadership: here
  • Clarification Office: support if you want to systematically resolve a situation with the parties involved from the Vice-Presidency for Personnel Development and Leadership: here
  • Rectorate: useful info about administrative matters such a PhD research plan and regulations: here
  • External Reporting Office: needs a written report, not confidential: here
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