Proseminars and semester projects

In their second semester, MSc students have to choose a proseminar or conduct a semester project involving research on a theoretical or experimental topic. Upon completion, the MSc thesis can be started.

Students who wish to deepen their knowledge in theoretical physics can choose a proseminar. In exceptional cases, a theoretical semester project - a small theoretical research project of one's own - can be conducted instead.

Students who would like to deepen their knowledge in experimental physics can do either 1) a semester project, or 2) a project at a research institute. These options and registration procedures are described in more detail below.

External projects are possible, but require an internal supervisor. Supervisors may be any person who can be selected in myStudies when registering a project. Projects within the framework of an exchange programme must be agreed with the D-​PHYS exchange coordinators.

All projects require a written report, whereby the report must contain a declaration of originality. Registration must be made under "EN: projects/paper/theses" in myStudies. The time of registration and the choice of supervisor depend on the type of project. The registration must be made before the start of the work.

The different options are described in further detail below.

The aim of this work is to learn experimenting in a research environment, and to analyse and interpret the data obtained. The results are presented in a written report and a presentation.

Students can find a project by contacting the research groups with whom they would like to work directly. Some groups have published projects on their websites. Students can find the groups' websites Department of Physics (D-​PHYS) Homepage under Research. All professors of the Departments of Physics and Mathematics, associate professors and selected other persons may act as supervisors. Students will find a complete list of approved supervisors during registration.

Registration: Select the "402-0218-MSL Research Project" in myStudies under Projects/papers/theses and choose the supervisor. Projects may be started at any time in consultation with the supervisor.

Proseminars involve guided self-​study of scientific articles and advanced textbooks in theoretical physics. The results are presented in a written report and a presentation. In the spring semester, usually three proseminars are offered with a limited number of places (a maximum of 30 students per topic). For the proseminars in the spring semester, an information event is held at the end of the preceding autumn semester. The topics offered and the respective supervisors are introduced at this event. As a rule, one of the topics is also suitable for Bachelor students. Students will be informed about the event by email. Students who would like to attend a proseminar, are strongly advised to attend the information event as places usually booked up quickly. Information about the proseminars may be found on the website of the Institute for Theoretical Physics.

Please register for the proseminar as a research project only after you have been assigned at the information event. Before you register for the proseminar in the autumn semester please contact the responsible person indicated on the website of the ITP. Then select the "402-0218-MSL Research Project" under "Projects/papers/theses" in myStudies and choose the agreed supervisor.

The Standard Model of particle physics is a monumental achievement of human ingenuity. While typically approached from the theoretical side, in this proseminar we will collect the experimental evidence upon which the Standard Model has been built.

This course integrates knowledge of all detector components (tracking, calorimetry, trigger) in discussing the experiments as a whole.

It is meant to be complementary to the "Experimental Methods" course 402-0725-00L which introduces different detector technologies. Furthermore, the course augments the particle physics MSc curriculum and is meant to be followed in parallel to PPP I (402-0891-00L).

The course will not follow the historical trajectory of experimental particle physics. Instead, it aims to provide a modern view of the results of the experiments and show where they fit in the theoretical construction.

The students will read the original papers collected in the seminal text by Cahn and Goldhaber. The theory will be distilled to the very basics using the textbook by Bettini.

Introductory material:

  • Review of basic relativistic kinematics (Lorentz transformations, invariant mass, etc.)
  • Passage of particles through matter: Bethe Bloch dE/dx, bremsstrahlung, photon interactions, electromagnetic showers, hadronic showers, Cherenkov radiation, Transition Radiation

Experimental papers discussed in the course include:

  • Deep inelastic scattering
  • J/psi and tau discovery
  • Strong interaction: gluons and jets (anti-k_t jet clustering)
  • Parity violation, neutrino observation, neutrino helicity
  • Neutral current, W/Z discovery
  • Number of neutrino families, muon pair production asymmetry, W+W- production
  • Top/bottom discoveries
  • Higgs discovery and properties
  • CP violation in the kaon system
  • Neutrino oscillations

The course is complemented with in-class detector demonstrations:

  • Cloud chamber
  • Cosmics rays with plastic scintillators
  • Cerenkov light in water
  • Silicon detectors

Date: This course is only offered in the autumn semester.

Registration: Please contact or  first to check the availability of free slots. Once you have their consent, choose "402-0218-MSL" Research Project under "Projects/papers/theses" in myStudies and choose the agreed supervisor.


Students will participate in our ongoing research and development activities for the electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) of the CMS experiment at CERN, performing a task or small project. This will allow students to develop an in-​depth understanding of the complexity of large-​scale particle physics experiments, including the detector concept, readout electronics, data acquisition and analysis aspects, depending on the task at hand. Typical tasks involve measurement setup preparation, measurements, tests, data taking, data analysis and interpretation or a part of it. Students will acquire programming skills in python and/or C++ and CERNs ROOT analysis framework for data analysis and representation. Eventually, students will present their results orally and prepare a written report of publication quality.

Prerequisites: Students will have successfully followed the introductory course to particle physics and particle detectors. Basic knowledge in programming, notably python and/or C++ as well as basic knowledge in electronics are desirable.

Place and dates: Projects are organised twice a year, in January/February and in June. The work is carried out at CERN Prevessin site. There are maximum two places per term. They are assigned on a first-​come-first-serve basis.

Registration: Please contact prior to registration. Only register once you have received the explicit approval of Dr. Lustermann. To register, select "402-0218-MSL" Research Project in Projects/papers/theses in myStudies and select Dr. W. Lustermann as supervisor.  

During semester breaks, six students have the opportunity stay in Heidelberg and at the PSI for three weeks and participate in a hands-​on course on experimental particle physics. A small, real experiment is developed and conducted by the group, including apparatus design, construction, running and data analysis. The course includes some lectures, but the focus lies on the practical aspects of experimenting. Students learn all the different steps it takes to perform a complete particle physics experiment in a small team. They acquire skills to do this themselves in the team, including design, construction, data gathering and analysis.

Place and date
s: The project is carried out at Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Villingen AG and Heidelberg in Germany, usually three weeks during summer semester break, depending on available PSI beam times. The exact dates are being fixed during the semester.

Registration: Please register early as there is a limited number of places! Contact for information and registration. Please only register in myStudies once you have the approval of Prof. Sóter. Choose 402-0218-MSL Research Project in Projects/papers/theses in myStudies and select Prof. A. Sóter as supervisor.

Students who wish to pursue a project in Medical Physics may contact for further information.

Registration: Choose 402-0218-MSL Research Project in Projects/papers/theses in myStudies. Select a supervisor that is entitled to supervise projects in D-PHYS.

In agreement with a supervisor, a second research project may be undertaken. In research groups with a high demand for projects, students doing a first project usually have priority. Registration for a second research project can be done through the D-PHYS Study Administration by email, with copy to the respective supervisor. In exceptional cases (e.g. exceeding the maximum study period), the Study Administration may reject the request upon consultation with the Director of Studies.

This course unit can only be booked together with a research project (402-0218-MS), meaning that it must be booked at the same time. The extension is only possible in agreement of the supervising professor. This extension is not available for the options Proseminars, Particle Physics at PSI, Medical Phyics and Experimental Foundations of Particle Physics.

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