Degree Requests


1. check the degree request

Please note that there is a maximum number of credit points that may be counted, depending on the degree programme (the maximum can be found in your study regulations). If you have more than the maximum number of credit points, you have to classify the additional credits of those courses "without category" in myStudies. These performances will then be listed on the addendum of the degree certificate.

2. submit the request electronically via myStudies.


Bachelor: You can do your diploma request at any time. Please note that you will be automatically exmatriculated (from the BSc program) as soon as the certificate and diploma will be issued. A previous enrolment in the Master's program is therefore necessary. If your maximum permitted duration of studies is expiring, you have to hand in your degree request by no later than one day after the grading conference of the corresponding examination session. Further information regarding study deadlines you can find at the following link: Study terms and deadlines

Master: You can do your diploma request at any time. In order to be invited to the Master's Ceremony 2025, you have to hand in your diploma request by mid March 2025 at the latest (the exact date will be published at given time). Elsewise we will invite you to the following Master's Ceremony in 2026. If the Master's thesis is extending into a new semester and you will not attend any further courses, it is sufficient to enrol in a semester of leave.

What will you receive when?

Approximately 2-4 weeks after you have handed in your degree request, you will get the following documents to your correspondence address (according to myStudies):

  • Degree Certificate (eligible German, French, Italian)
  • Academic Record (German)
  • Supplement, if existing (German)
  • English translation (Academic Record, Supplement)
  • Ranking (German/English)
  • Diploma Supplement (German/Englisch)

Where are the documents sent to?

For students who remain enrolled in another course, the documents will be dispatched to the correspondence address. For graduates without enrolment in another course, shipping is usually to the alternative/parents' Address, except for those cases where this address is abroad and there is still a correspondence address in Switzerland.

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