Future projects of the European Space Agency ESA
- Topic tags
- Physics
- Astronomy
- Astrophysics (IPA)

In 2021, ESA selected three themes from a hundred proposals for its largest science missions, “Voyage 2050”. The National Centre of Competence in Research, or NCCR, “PlanetS” with its partner institutions ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich proposed two of the three chosen topics. The NCCR “PlanetS” is led by the two home institutions, the University of Bern and the University of Geneva.
Cascading femtosecond lasers into the mid-infrared
Institute for Quantum Electronics (IQE)

The first demonstration of direct femtosecond-pulse emission from a quantum cascade laser in the mid-infrared region paves the path towards novel applications of ultrashort laser pulses.
“Zukunftstag” 2021 at the Department of Physics at ETH Zurich
- Physics

The “Nationale Zukunftstag” on 11 November is an important event at ETH Zurich. It offers many children the opportunity to get to know ETH Zurich from the inside. 17 different programmes were offered by various ETH units, some of which would have probably been of interest to adults, too.
Hamburg Prize for Theoretical Physics goes to Eugene Demler
- Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP)
- Topic tags
- Quantum sciences

Eugene Demler, quantum researcher and professor at ETH Zurich, was honoured for his theoretical work on quantum fluids and solids, especially for his contributions to the study of ultracold atoms in optical lattices.
Veerle Sterken awarded the Christophe Plantin Prize 2021
- Preise
- Astrophysics (IPA)

We are delighted to announce that this year's Christophe Plantin Prize has been awarded to Dr. Veerle Sterken for her pioneering research into interstellar dust in the solar system.