Apprenticeship: Inter-company courses at ETH Zurich

The Department of Physics at ETH Zurich conducts regularly three different inter-company courses per school year for prospective physics laboratory technicians. The apprentices come from all over German-speaking Switzerland and learn about materials science, metrology and measurement method
Helium, an elixir of research

In many laboratories all over the world research only works with helium. ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich also depend on a regular and reliable supply of helium. After its use in the laboratory, helium it is recovered and reused in various processes to ensure that as little as possible of the valuable gas is lost. A new and more efficient plant for helium liquefaction has now gone into operation at ETH Zurich on Hönggerberg.
A new twist on a mesmerising story
Institute for Quantum Electronics (IQE)

The Einstein–de Haas effect, first demonstrated more than a century ago, provides an intriguing link between magnetism and rotation in ferromagnetic materials. An international team led by ETH physicist Steven Johnson now established that the effect has also a central role in ultrafast processes that happen at the sub-picosecond timescale — and thus deliver fresh insight into materials that might form the basis for novel devices.
Discoveries on the Hönggerberg
- Laboratory for Solid State Physics (LFKP)

For the first time three units of ETH Zurich Hönggerberg jointly organised a tour for 40 students of the Kallipolis Lyceum Piraeus and their teachers. This gave the guests wonderful insight into the research location ETH Hönggerberg, with an introduction to ETH Zurich followed by guided tours through the Departments of Biology and Physics.
Editor-in-Chief role for Günther Dissertori
Particle Physics (IPA)

ETH physics professor Günther Dissertori was appointed by the publishers of The European Physical Journal C – Particles and Fields as new Editor-in-Chief for Experimental Physics I (Accelerator Based High-Energy Physics), as of 1 January 2019.