Günther Dissertori Deputy Spokesperson of the CMS experiment
Particle Physics (IPA)
A new management took over at the helm of the CMS Collaboration at CERN, including ETH professor Günther Dissertori, who will act as one of the two Deputy Spokespersons.

The new management team for the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at CERN started its two-year tenure on 1 September 2016, with Joel Butler (Fermilab) as Spokesperson and Günther Dissertori (ETH Zurich) and Roberto Carlin (Università di Padova) as Deputy Spokespersons.
Günther Dissertori is currently the head of the Institute for Particle Physics at ETH. The main focus of his research group has been the construction, commissioning and now operation of CMS, with particular emphasis on the Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL). Since the start of data taking, his group has been strongly involved in the data-analysis efforts. He has already carried a significant number of coordination/management roles, such as JetMET POG co-convener, Deputy Physics Coordinator, Chairperson of the ECAL Institution Board and most recently Deputy Chairperson of the Collaboration Board.
For further information, please see the full external page CMS press release.