Prof. em. Dr. Peter Günter
Prof. em. Dr. Peter Günter
Professor Emeritus at the Department of Physics
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Peter Günter was full Professor of Experimental Physics at the ETH Zurich beginning in October 1987. He headed the Non-linear Optics Laboratory at the Institute of Quantum Electronics. He retired end of May 2008.
Prof. Günter was born on September 28, 1944 and is from Aarwangen BE. He studied at the Department of Mathematics and Physics of the ETH Zurich. He received his doctorate under Professor H. Gränicher at the Laboratory for Solid-State Physics, earning the ETH silver medal for his dissertation. His habilitation thesis was on the subject of "Dynamic Halography, optical image amplification and Optical Phase Conjugation". From 1982 until his appointment to Professor he was a lecturer (Privatdozent) in applied physics at the ETH. In addition to research in industry (Thomson-CSF, North American Philips Laboratories, CNET Paris), he was a visiting professor on sabbatical at Stanford University, at the Institute for Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN, Tokyo) and at the "Institut d-Optique Théorique et Expérimentale" of the Université Paris-Sud (Orsay, F) as well as a distinguished visiting professor at the Center for Electro-Optical and Laser Research (CREOL) at the University of Central Florida in Orlando.
Prof. Günter's Research: The development of new non-linear optical, organic and anorganic materials for optical data processing and the exploration of their physical properties and applications.